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Strategies for Asia-Pacific Shipping (Plymouth Studies in Contemporary Shipping and Logistics) Book
This text focuses on one geographical and economical area - the Asia-Pacific region, on one type of decision makers - commercial shipowners, and on one type of business strategy - corporate level strategy, to show economic change and how organizations manage that change. This book discusses the challenges that shipowners face to take advantage of that growth. It also looks at the lack of information on strategic decision making that could assist the shipowners in taking advantage of the economic situation. The chapters cover the types of business strategies available and how to select the criteria for selecting one of those strategies.Read More
from£81.00 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £179.66
- 0754614921
- 9780754614920
- Jeff Hawkins, Richard Gray
- 28 November 2000
- Ashgate
- Hardcover (Book)
- 205
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