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Stress and Distress Among the Unemployed: Hard Times and Vulnerable People (Springer Studies in Work and Industry) Book
Employing both large-scale surveys and in-depth interviews, the authors document the mental health effects on workers caused by the closure of four General Motor plants. They paint a portrait of how the social context in which these workers lived played a critical role in their experiences of unemployment or of keeping their jobs when others around them lost theirs. More than simply a study of unemployment and mental health, this book is also a story of coping and resilience.Read More
from£88.82 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £38.18
- 0306463296
- 9780306463297
- Clifford L. Broman, V. Lee Hamilton, William S. Hoffman
- 31 December 2001
- Springer
- Hardcover (Book)
- 238
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