Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective [With CDROM] Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective [With CDROM] Book

The eighth edition continues to refine the focus from logistics to supply chain management. It provides new and updated "Supply Chain Profiles," vignettes at the beginning of each chapter that introduce students to the chapter's topics through familiar real-world companies, people, and events. The text demonstrates practical application of supply chain management through new and updated "On the Line" boxed features, which are applied examples that provide students with hands-on managerial experience of the chapter's topics. Revised and expanded "Supply Chain Technology" boxes throughout the text help students relate technological developments to supply chain management concepts and logistics practices. Students build their knowledge chapter by chapter through revised and expanded Short Cases at the end of each chapter.Read More

from£72.78 | RRP: £150.34
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.68
  • 0324376928
  • 9780324376920
  • John J. Coyle, C. John Langley, Robert A. Novack
  • 7 March 2008
  • South Western Educational Publishing
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 705
  • 8 Har/Cdr
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