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Symmetry: A Journey Into the Patterns of Nature Book
Symmetry is all around us. Our eyes and minds are drawn to symmetrical objects, from the pyramid to the pentagon. Of fundamental significance to the way we interpret the world, this unique, pervasive phenomenon indicates a dynamic relationship between objects. In chemistry and physics, the concept of symmetry explains the structure of crystals or the theory of fundamental particles; in evolutionary biology, the natural world exploits symmetry in the fight for survival; and symmetryâ??and the breaking of itâ??is central to ideas in art, architecture, and music. Combining a rich historical narrative with his own personal journey as a mathematician, Marcus du Sautoy takes a unique look into the mathematical mind as he explores deep conjectures about symmetry and brings us face-to-face with the oddball mathematicians, both past and present, who have battled to understand symmetry's elusive qualities. He explores what is perhaps the most exciting discovery to dateâ??the summit of mathematicians' mastery in the fieldâ??the Monster, a huge snowflake that exists in 196,883-dimensional space with more symmetries than there are atoms in the sun. What is it like to solve an ancient mathematical problem in a flash of inspiration? What is it like to be shown, ten minutes later, that you've made a mistake? What is it like to see the world in mathematical terms, and what can that tell us about life itself? In Symmetry, Marcus du Sautoy investigates these questions and shows mathematical novices what it feels like to grapple with some of the most complex ideas the human mind can comprehend. Read More
from£32.78 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.55
- 0060789409
- 9780060789404
- Marcus Du Sautoy
- 1 March 2008
- Harper
- Hardcover (Book)
- 384
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