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System of Systems Engineering (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management) Book
Discover the emerging science and engineering of System of SystemsMany challenges of the twenty-first century, such as fossil fuel energy resources, require a new approach. The emergence of System of Systems (SoS) and System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) presents engineers and professionals with the potential for solving many of the challenges facing our world today. This groundbreaking book brings together the viewpoints of key global players in the field to not only define these challenges, but to provide possible solutions.Each chapter has been contributed by an international expert, and topics covered include modeling, simulation, architecture, the emergence of SoS and SoSE, net-centricity, standards, management, and optimization, with various applications to defense, transportation, energy, the environment, healthcare, service industry, aerospace, robotics, infrastructure, and information technology.The book has been complemented with several case studies—Space Exploration, Future Energy Resources, Commercial Airlines Maintenance, Manufacturing Sector, Service Sector, Intelligent Transportation, Future Combat Missions, Global Earth Observation System of Systems project, and many more—to give readers an understanding of the real-world applications of this relatively new technology. System of Systems Engineering is an indispensable resource for aerospace and defense engineers and professionals in related fields.Read More
from£132.21 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £89.48
- 0470195908
- 9780470195901
- Mohammad Jamshidi
- 14 November 2008
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Hardcover (Book)
- 592
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