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Taking Care of Your Child: A Parent's Illustrated Guide to Complete Medical Care Book
A completely revised and updated edition of the best-selling and award-winning guide to keeping children healthy Over a million and a half families already use Taking Care of Your Child to help keep their children healthy. Updated with the most recent research and recommendations, this award-winning guide discusses common medical problems, as well as emotional issues such as new siblings and school challenges. The authors even provide forms for medical, growth, and immunization records. And unlike other children's health books, this comprehensive guide is useful from birth through a child's adolescence. Taking Care of Your Child is easy to use, even in a crisis. Simply look up a symptom, and you find a complete explanation of probable causes, how serious they are, and how you might quickly relieve your child's problem at home. Easy-to-follow decision charts show parents exactly when to take a child to see a doctor. This book covers more than 100 common complaints-injuries and allergies, childhood diseases-with especially clear advice on handling emergencies.Read More
from£16.18 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.91
- 0738210374
- 9780738210377
- Robert H. Pantell, James F. Fries, Donald M. Vickery
- 8 November 2005
- Perseus Books
- Paperback (Book)
- 560
- 7th Revised edition
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