Teach Yourself Stop Smoking (TY Health & Well Being) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Teach Yourself Stop Smoking (TY Health & Well Being) Book

"Teach Yourself Stop Smoking" offers anyone who wants to stop honest, balanced and trustworthy advice on how to kick the habit - forever. Written by a former smoker, now personal trainer and health guru, this is a practical guide which demolishes all the reasons for continuing to smoke one by one. It offers statistical context and the 'scary' facts, but more importantly focuses on such key issues as physical and mental addiction and the questions and issues that surround giving up, and prevent people from doing so. Enjoyable, motivating and fundamentally true, this realistic handbook really will work for you.Read More

from£12.13 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.48
  • 0340913436
  • 9780340913437
  • Matthew Aldrich
  • 30 December 2005
  • Teach Yourself
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 178
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