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Terms of Engagement: United States and the European Security Identity (The Washington Papers) Book
Michael Brenner examines European efforts--and American responses--to reduce defense dependency in a post-Cold War world. Unresolved questions abound: institutional form, political direction, resources, and--above all--uncertainty about the place of the United States in security arrangements for and with a new Europe. As he makes clear, the culture of transatlantic security dependency casts a shadow over the ongoing project of reequilibrating the Euro-American alliance. U.S. prestige and power weigh all the heavier because of American ambivalence in coming to terms with its allies' ambitions.Read More
from£29.50 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £28.88
- 0275964973
- 9780275964979
- Michael Brenner
- 30 October 1998
- Greenwood Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 144
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