The Ambassador's Mission: The Traitor Spy Trilogy, Book 1 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Ambassador's Mission: The Traitor Spy Trilogy, Book 1 Book

The first volume in the sequel to the bestselling Black Magician TrilogyRead More

from£22.93 | RRP: £16.99
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  • Play

    Sonea former street urchin now a Black Magician of Kyralia is horrified when her son Lorkin volunteers to assist Dannyl in his new role as Guild Ambassador to Sachaka a land still ruled by cruel black magicians. When word comes that Lorkin has gone missing Sonea is desperate to find him but if she leaves the city she will be exiled forever and besides her old friend Cery needs her help. Most of his family has been murdered - the latest in a long line of assassinations to plague the leading Thieves. There has always been rivalry but lately it seems the Thieves have been waging a deadly underworld war and now it appears they have been doing so with magical assistance ...

  • Blackwell

    The compelling first volume in the sequel to the bestselling Black Magician Trilogy. Sonea, former street urchin, now a Black Magician of Kyralia, is horrified when her son, Lorkin, volunteers to assist Dannyl in his new role as Guild Ambassador...

  • BookDepository

    The Ambassador's Mission : Hardback : Little, Brown Book Group : 9781841495910 : : 10 May 2010 : The compelling first volume in the sequel to the bestselling Black Magician Trilogy.

  • 1841495913
  • 9781841495910
  • Trudi Canavan
  • 6 May 2010
  • Orbit
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 528
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