The Antipope (Brentford Trilogy) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Antipope (Brentford Trilogy) Book

This story uncovers suburbia's darkest secrets - mostly in The Flying Swan, a cosmic Rovers Return where Neville the barman and Archroy, owner of five magic beans, do battle with beasts of the occult and in particular the rather unpleasant Pope Alexander VI, the last of the Borgias.Read More

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  • Foyles

    'Outside the sun shines. Buses rumble towards Ealing Broadway and I'm expected to do battle with the powers of darkness. It all seems a little unfair...'You could say it all started with the red-eyed tramp with the slimy fingers who put the wind up Neville, the part-time barman, something rotten. Or when Archroy's wife swapped his trusty Morris Minor for five magic beans while he was out at the rubber factory.On the other hand, you could say it all started a lot earlier. Like 450 years ago, when Borgias walked the earth.Pooley and Omally, stars of the Brentford Laboiur Exchange and the Flying Swan, want nothing to do with it, especially if there's a Yankee and a pint of Large in the offing. Pope Alexander VI, last of the Borgias, has other ideas...

  • BookDepository

    The Antipope : Paperback : Transworld Publishers Ltd : 9780552138413 : 055213841X : 13 Feb 1992 : Like 450 years ago, when Borgias walked the earth. Pooley and Omally, stars of the Brentford Laboiur Exchange and the Flying Swan, want nothing to do with it, especially if there's a Yankee and a pint of Large in the offing.

  • 055213841X
  • 9780552138413
  • Robert Rankin
  • 13 February 1992
  • Corgi Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 288
  • New edition
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