The Art of the Picts: Sculpture and Metalwork in Early Medieval Scotland Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Art of the Picts: Sculpture and Metalwork in Early Medieval Scotland Book

Drawing on two lifetimes experience and expertise in the field, George and Isabel Henderson dissect and scrutinize one of the genuine enigmas of early medieval art: the sculpture and metalwork of the Picts in seventh- to ninth-century northeast Britain. Through careful observation and comparison, the authors show how the hitherto marginalized art of the Picts both interacted with the currents of Insular art and was produced by a sophisticated society capable of sustaining large-scale art programmes. With maps and 326 illustrations.Read More

from£22.40 | RRP: £28.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £61.44
  • TheBookPeople

    The Picts, who occupied north-eastern Scotland between the sixth and ninth centuries, are perhaps the least well-known of the Celtic people. The only real traces of their society are a large series of stone cross slabs, and some silverwork, all engraved with symbols which nobody has ever properly deciphered (despite many attempts). This book locates this work within the Insular style seen throughout the British Isles at this time and marvellously expressed in such works as the Book of Kells. Not only is it the most comprehensive survey of Pictish art in recent memory, it is the first scholarly book to address the art-historical aspects of work formerly only treated by archaeologists.

  • 0500289638
  • 9780500289631
  • George Henderson, Isabel Henderson
  • 30 August 2011
  • Thames & Hudson
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
  • Reprint
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