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The Atlas of the Future Book
Where are we headed as we enter the third millennium? The Atlas of the Future provides a unique and authoritative perspective on the shape of the world to come. Full-color maps and graphics present in a clear and accessible format the latest thinking on what the future holds for the human race. Drawing on the most up-to-date research, an international team of leading analysts predicts the worldwide developments in such diverse topics as:Space explorationeconomies and financepopulation life expectancyartificial intelligencehealth and disease biodiversityfood and waterenergythe environment communicationstourismurbanizationdemocracy industrymilitary strengthnanotechnologyThe Atlas of the Future will prove fascinating reading for all those with an interest in understanding today's world and preparing for tomorrow's.Read More
from£32.06 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.98
- 0028620887
- 9780028620886
- Editor
- 29 July 1998
- Hungry Minds Inc,U.S.
- Hardcover (Book)
- 128
- illustrated edition
- Illustrated
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