The Beijing Olympiad: The Political Economy of a Sporting Mega-Event Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Beijing Olympiad: The Political Economy of a Sporting Mega-Event Book

The stage is set for the Beijing Olympiad to be the greatest mega-event, sporting or otherwise, in history. Still, the issues taxing many minds include whether the Beijing Games will be successful; whether they will be wrought with and wrecked by troubles; and who they will benefit. What value will the 2008 Games be to the people of China? Will they mainly serve the purposes of the dominant political, economic and cultural groups at and between the local, regional and global levels of modern social life? The Beijing Olympiad examines these among other questions, providing a range of original insights of interest to an array of scholars, researchers and students from Sports Studies to Sociology, Politics, Economics, International Relations and Legal Studies.Read More

from£47.24 | RRP: £23.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.17
  • 0415357012
  • 9780415357012
  • Paul Close, David Askew, Xu Xin
  • 5 December 2006
  • Routledge
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 272
  • 1
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