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The Bible Jesus Read CD
If you think it's just a mysterious, outdated book, think again. It's the Bible Jesus read, used, and loved. The Old Testament is God's biography, the story of his passionate encounters with people. It is also a prequel to the story of Jesus, who came to answer the questions that troubled the ancient writers and still trouble us today. For expressing our deepest longings and voicing the full range of our lives and emotions, the Old Testament has no equal. Join Philip Yancey as he explores these sometimes shocking, often cryptic divine writings. You will come to know God more intimately, anticipate Jesus more fervently, and find a wonderful, wise companion for your faith journey.Read More
from£24.20 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £39.41
- 0310273579
- 9780310273578
- Philip Yancey
- 1 September 2006
- Zondervan
- Audio CD (CD)
- Abridged edition
- Abridged, Audiobook
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