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The Book of Job Book
One of the most powerful and unsettling Bible stories, The Book of Job undermines the claim that our world is governed by justice and meaning. It does so through a poetry of unsurpassed beauty captured in Raymond Scheindlin's superb new translation. Scheindlin's Job is not a patient sufferer but a defiant man who eloquently demands an argument with God. Job's words land like a fist, but he is left speechless by God's reply from the storm --a commanding survey of creation and a challenge to man's place in it. Job's acceptance of God's power comes with a dignity and freshness that makes it compelling even today. In Scheindlin's vivid translation an ancient text speaks to us directly of timeless questions and passions.Read More
from£12.59 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.28
- 0393319008
- 9780393319002
- RP Scheindlin
- 6 October 1999
- W. W. Norton & Co.
- Paperback (Book)
- 240
- New edition
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