The Broken Tower: The Life of Hart Crane Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Broken Tower: The Life of Hart Crane Book

In addition to several volumes of poetry, Paul Mariani has also written biographies of major 20th-century American poets: William Carlos Williams, Robert Lowell, and John Berryman. In his fourth biography, he takes on the life of Hart Crane (1899-1932), a contemporary of Williams who held a similarly pivotal role in the development of American literature's avant-garde. "It would be difficult," Mariani suggests, "to find a serious poet or reader of poetry in this country today who has not been touched by something in Hart Crane's music." (However, at the time, many critics--with some of whom he had strained personal relationships--did not evaluate his work so highly, which contributed in part to Crane's dramatic suicidal leap off a ship at sea.) Crane loved New York, moving there from his hometown of Cleveland as soon as he could; even when financial straits forced him to return home to work for his father, the "white buildings" of Manhattan loomed in his imagination. The Broken Tower does a fine job of recreating the passionate energy and vitality of Crane's life. Mariani weaves lines from Crane's letters and poems into his narrative throughout, and while he does not skimp in his accounts of the poet's alcoholism and promiscuous sex life with other men, he treats these matters simply as components of the poet's complex personality.Read More

from£29.07 | RRP: £24.50
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  • Product Description

    Written by award-winning biographer Paul Mariani, The Broken Tower reads with all the drama of a psychological novel and the inexorable force of a Greek tragedy. Few poets have lived as extraordinary and fascinating a life as Hart Crane, the American poet who made his meteoric rise in the late 1920s and then flamed out just as suddenly, killing himself at the age of 32 and thus turning his life and poetry into the stuff of myth. A midwesterner who came to New York to remake not only the city but also American poetry, Crane insisted on walking on the edge, living hard and drinking harder. Part of the New York gay scene of his time, he also played a central part in the avant-garde New York literary world, along with Cummings, Moore, Toomer, and Williams. But most of all, he gave us a singular poetry, including his famous The Bridge (his epic celebrating the fabled Brooklyn Bridge), along with a poetic cadence that has never been duplicated. The first biography of Crane to appear in thirty years, The Broken Tower includes major new discoveries about Crane's life that have surfaced since then --many culled from previously suppressed letters and other manuscripts --as well as new photographs. Most remarkably, Mariani probes Crane's inner demons, voracious sexual life, and self-destructive behavior, and in doing so he gives us a profound portrait of a complex, haunted, and brilliant life.

  • 0393047261
  • 9780393047264
  • Paul L. Mariani
  • 5 April 2000
  • WW Norton & Co
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 492
  • illustrated edition
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