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The Carnivorous Plants Book
Plants, as is now becoming widely recognised, exploit animals in almost as many ways as animals use plants; only rarely, however, do they eat animals in the sense of catching, holding, and devouring prey. The manner, however, in which they function as carnivores grants insights into plant form, function, and evolution not otherwise readily available. The diversity of morphological, biochemical, and commensal features generates both the lay and the scientific interest in this diverse group. The carnivorous plants exhibit features which are common to many other non-carnivorous plants. However the extent to which these features have developed and the combination of different features in small organs is unique and therefore, can be exploited by using these plants as models for scientific research.Read More
from£143.10 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £339.19
- 0123921708
- 9780123921703
- Barrie Edward Juniper, etc., R.J. Robins, D.M. Joel, Dr.
- 1 January 1989
- Academic Press Inc
- Hardcover (Book)
- 353
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