The Cartoon Guide to Genetics Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Cartoon Guide to Genetics Book

Have you ever asked yourself: Are spliced genes the same as mended Levis? Watson and Crick? Aren't they a team of British detectives? Plant sex? Can they do that? Is Genetic Mutation the name of one of those heavy metal bands? Asparagine? Which of the four food groups is that in? Then you need The Cartoon Guide to Genetics to explain the important concepts of classical and modern genetics-it's not only educational, it's funny too!Read More

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  • BookDepository

    Cartoon Guide to Genetics : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers Inc : 9780062730992 : 0062730991 : 24 Jun 2011 : Presents the principles of genetics - classical and modern - in a cartoon format. Anecdotes about how the ancients tried to explain sex determination and inheritance abound, making the learning of the concepts of Mendel's Laws, mutations, DNA and gene splicing easier to understand.

  • ASDA

    Presents the principles of genetics - classical and modern - in a cartoon format. Anecdotes about how the ancients tried to explain sex determination and inheritance abound making the learning of the concepts of Mendel's Laws mutations DNA and gene splicing easier to understand.

  • Pickabook

    Larry Gonick, Mark Wheelis, Larry Gonick (Illus)

  • 0062730991
  • 9780062730992
  • Larry Gonick, Mark Wheelis
  • 8 July 1991
  • HarperCollins
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 224
  • New edition
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