The Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir for the Crusading Period from al-Kamil fi'l-Ta'rikh: Years 491-629/1097-1231 Pt. 1-3 (Crusade Texts in Translation) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir for the Crusading Period from al-Kamil fi'l-Ta'rikh: Years 491-629/1097-1231 Pt. 1-3 (Crusade Texts in Translation) Book

Covering the Islamic history, this title focuses on the time of the arrival of the Crusaders in the Levant, their activities and the Muslim response.Read More

from£65.00 | RRP: £50.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • Product Description

    "The Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir (1160-1233 AD)", entitled "al-Kamil fi'l-Ta'rikh", is one of the outstanding sources for the history of the medieval world. It covers the whole sweep of Islamic history almost up to the death of its author and, with the sources available to him, he attempted to embrace the widest geographical spread; events in Iraq, Iran and further East run in counterpoint with those involving North Africa and Spain. From the time of the arrival of the Crusaders in the Levant, their activities and the Muslim response become the focus of the work.

  • 0754669394
  • 9780754669395
  • D.S. Richards
  • 1 May 2010
  • Ashgate Publishing Limited
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 1202
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