The Churchills: A Family at the Heart of History - from the Duke of Marlborough to Winston Churchill Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Churchills: A Family at the Heart of History - from the Duke of Marlborough to Winston Churchill Book

The Churchills *The story of one of the most famous of all British families - the Churchills Full descriptionRead More

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  • Play

    There never was a Churchill from John of Marlborough down who had either morals or principles' so said Gladstone. From the First Duke of Marlborough - soldier of genius restless empire-builder and cuckolder of Charles II - onwards the Churchills have been politicians gamblers and profligates heroes and womanisers. The Churchills is a richly layered portrait of an extraordinary set of men and women - grandly ambitious regularly impecunious impulsive arrogant and brave. And towering above the Churchill clan is the figure of Winston - his failures and his triumphs shown in a new and revealing context - ultimately our 'greatest Briton'.

  • Blackwell

    *The story of one of the most famous of all British families - the Churchills There never was a Churchill from John of Marlborough down who had either morals or principles', so said Gladstone. From the First Duke of Marlborough - soldier of...

  • BookDepository

    The Churchills : Paperback : Little, Brown Book Group : 9780349119786 : 0349119783 : 05 Apr 2012 : *The story of one of the most famous of all British families - the Churchills

  • 0349119783
  • 9780349119786
  • Mary S. Lovell
  • 5 April 2012
  • Abacus
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 640
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