The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works (Penguin Classics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works (Penguin Classics) Book

Although the exact identity of this text's author remains obscure, he was probably an English country parson of the late 14th century. The main theme of this book is that God cannot be reached by human intellect but only by a love that can pierce the 'cloud of unknowing'.Read More

from£8.09 | RRP: £8.99
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  • Foyles

    Contains The Cloud of Unknowing, The Mystical Theology of Saint Denis, The Book of Privy Counselling, and An Epistle on Prayer. Against a tradition of devotional writings which focussed on knowing God through Christ's Passion and his humanity, these texts describe a transcendent God who exists beyond human knowledge and human language. These four texts are at the heart of medival mystical theology in their call for contemplation, calm, and above all, love, as the way to understand the Divine.

  • BookDepository

    The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works : Paperback : Penguin Books Ltd : 9780140447620 : 0140447628 : 01 Mar 2002 : Although the exact identity of this text's author remains obscure, he was probably an English country parson of the late 14th century. The main theme of this book is that God cannot be reached by human intellect but only by a love that can pierce the "cloud of unknowing""."

  • Blackwell

    In the fourteenth century there was a great flourishing of religious writing in English, both orthodox and heretical. Many of these works focused on Christ's Humanity and Passion, whereas The Cloud of Unknowing draws on radically different...

  • Penguin

    This collection includes The Cloud of Unknowing, The Mystical Theology of Saint Denis, The Book of Privy Counselling, and An Epistle on Prayer.

  • Pickabook

    A.C. Spearing (Trans), A.C. Spearing

  • 0140447628
  • 9780140447620
  • 30 August 2001
  • Penguin Classics
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 208
  • New Ed
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