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The Counter-terrorism Handbook: Tactics, Procedures and Techniques (Practical Aspects of Criminal & Forensic Investigations) Book
The only way to deal effectively with terrorism is to have a thorough understanding of its present-day characteristics. Who is involved and what weapons and tactics are they likely to use? The players on the counterterrorism team need to take stock of what is in their tool kits; what works and what doesn't work; and what new capabilities need to be developed in order to face not only today's terrorist, but tomorrow's as well.The Counterterrorism Handbook: Tactics, Procedures, and Techniques lays out a comprehensive strategy of how to deal with an entire range of possible terrorist incidents in a language friendly to first responders, policymakers, and security personnel. It covers everything from bombings and hostage-taking, to nuclear terrorism and what needs to be done before, during, and after an event.The authors each bring to the table unique insights and real-world experiences based on years in the counterterrorism field. Their hands-on knowledge of the topic infuse the book with a down-to-earth practicality often missing from other counterterrorism studies. The Counterterrorism Handbook: Tactics, Procedures, and Techniques is a must-read for anyone who may have to cope with a serious terrorist attack.Read More
from£37.10 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.82
- 0849309646
- 9780849309649
- Frank A. Bolz, Kenneth J. Dudonis, David P. Schulz, Frank Bolz Jr
- 30 July 2001
- CRC Press Inc
- Hardcover (Book)
- 296
- 2nd Revised edition
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