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The Dark Monarch: Magic and Modernism in British Art Book
Taking its title from the controversial 1962 novel based in St Ives by Sven Berlin, "The Dark Monarch" explores the influence of folklore, mysticism, mythology and the occult on the development of modernism and surrealism in Britain. Featuring the works of both historic and contemporary artists, including Cecil Collins, Paul Nash, Graham Sutherland, Bryan Wynter, Simon Periton and Mark Titchner, the book considers the renewed influence of neo-romantic and arcane themes on a significant strand of current British art practice.Read More
from£33.73 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £75.45
- 1854378740
- 9781854378743
- 1 November 2009
- Tate Publishing
- Paperback (Book)
- 160
- First Edition
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The Voyages of Alfred Wallis£10.89
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