The Death and Life of the Music Industry in the Digital Age Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Death and Life of the Music Industry in the Digital Age Book

The Death and Life of the Music Industry in the Digital Age The Death and Life of the Music Industry in the Digital Age challenges the conventional wisdom that the internet is 'killing' the music industry. While technological innovations (primarily in the form of peer-to-peer file-sharing) have evolved to threaten the economic health of major transnational music companies, Rogers illustrates how those same companies have themselves formulated highly innovative response strategies to negate the harmful effects of the internet. In short, it documents how the radical transformative potential of the internet is being suppressed by legal and organisational innovations. Grounded in a social shaping perspective, The Death a...Read More

from£22.99 | RRP: £19.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.73
  • 1623560012
  • 9781623560010
  • Jim Rogers
  • 4 July 2013
  • Bloomsbury Academic
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 248
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