The Demon: A Novel Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Demon: A Novel Book

A major American author of a stature with William Burroughs and Joseph Heller.?Los Angeles TimesHarry White is a man haunted by a satyr's lust and an obsessive need for sin and retribution. The more Harry succeeds - a good marriage, a good corporate job - the more desperate he becomes, as a life of petty crime leads to fraud and murder and, eventually, to apocalyptic violence.Author of the controversial cult classic, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Hubert Selby began as a writer of short fiction. He plunges the reader head-first into the densely realized worlds of his protagonists, in which the details of daily life rub shoulders with obsession and madness. Although fundamentally concerned with morality, Selby's own sense of humility prevents him from preaching. He offers instead a passionate read more...
from£13.41 | RRP: £6.99
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