The Devil's Due Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Devil's Due Book

Possession was never this much funTrust me or dieâ?¦Thatâ??s the choice Morgan Kingsley, exorcist, is given by the gorgeous rogue demon whoâ??s gotten inside her. The truth is, Morgan has dozens of reasons not to trust anyone, from the violence that torched her house and killed her father to a love life thatâ??s left her questioning her relationship with her erstwhile boyfriend, Brian. But Lugh, a king among demons, wonâ??t take no for an answer. Heâ??s prying into her body, her mind, even her sex life. And heâ??s just pulled Morgan into a power struggle that could have devastating consequences for both the human and demon worlds.But Morgan still has a job to do: investigating the highly bizarre possession of the son of a wealthy Philadelphia couple. That hunt leads Morgan into a realm of sexual depravity, then a terrifying kidnapping.â?¦ Now a woman who makes her living prying demons from their hosts finds her day job colliding with the night: a darkness that is attracting demons of the damnedest sort, including the one whoâ??s about to demand his ultimate due.â?¦Read More

from£7.09 | RRP: £4.74
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £8.16
  • 0440244927
  • 9780440244929
  • Jenna Black
  • 25 November 2008
  • Dell Publishing Company
  • Mass Market Paperback (Book)
  • 336
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