The elegant DeWilde stores -- famous for making bridal fantasies come true. Now the love that built the DeWilde dynasty threatened to shatter it . . . Gabriel DeWilde had no idea why his supposedly happy parents, Grace and Jeffery DeWilde, were divorcing. Suddenly his mother was gone, his father distraught, and it was up to Gabriel to save DeWildes' future. But though he'd seen what passion had done to his parents' union, Gabriel couldn't stop arguing with head designer Lianne Beecham . . . or keep his hands off her. Michael Forrest, a DeWilde cousin, was ambitious, sexy -- everything Julia Dutton avoided in a man. Yet she wanted Michael. It was as though Grace and Jeffery DeWilde's divorce had triggered a ripple effect of reckless choices. And even safe, sweet Julia was willing to
… read more...risk it all for her one chance at passion.Read More read less...