The Discovery of Evolution Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Discovery of Evolution Book

A compelling account of the 300 years leading up to and following Darwin's theory of evolution. Avoiding the creationist debate, Young's updated edition includes a new chapter on evolutionary studies in the late twentieth century and over 100 illustrations. The perfect read for evolution enthusiasts and specialists alike.Read More

from£42.99 | RRP: £26.99
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  • Product Description

    The Discovery of Evolution explains what the theory of evolution is all about by providing a historical narrative of discovery. Some of the major puzzles that confront anyone studying living things are discussed and it details how these were solved from an evolutionary perspective. Beginning with the emergence of the early naturalists in the seventeenth century, the scientific discoveries that led up to and then flowed from Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural selection are then discussed, and finally the modern evolutionary studies at the close of the twentieth century are detailed. This new edition of The Discovery of Evolution is fully updated and contains a new chapter on the evolutionary studies of the twentieth century. By approaching the topic of evolution in this way, it is made accessible to the non-specialist and no previous study of biology is required in order to read and understand this book.

  • 0521687462
  • 9780521687461
  • David Young
  • 9 August 2007
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 352
  • 2
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