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The Diversion of Land: Conservation in a Period of Farming Contraction (Natural Environment: Problems and Management) Book
European agriculture is on the brink of a financial and ecological crisis. The European Community, individual governments, and the industry itself have precipitated this crisis. Controversy follows controversy -- in the areas of pollution, use of chemicals, land degradation, and overproduction. The Diversion of Land assesses the conservation challenge at the end of a long period of agricultural expansion. The book draws on the experience of continental Europe and North America to contextualize a case study analysis of the U.K. Incorporating new research and a new methodology for the targeting of land diversion, the emphasis throughout is on the agricultural adjustment process. This process, the authors argue, must be informed not only by an ecological awareness, but also by the anticipation of economic and social change.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0415036275
- 9780415036276
- C. Paul Burnham, Angela Edwards, Ruth Gasson, Bryn Green, Clive Potter
- 7 February 1991
- Routledge
- Hardcover (Book)
- 144
- 1
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