The book described by some as 'the fat attack that French women swear by'! The Dukan Diet was devised by French Doctor; Dr Pierre Dukan, who spent his career helping people to permanently lose weight. The Diet book itself, is a culmination of 35 years of experience dealing with people's weight issues and eating habits of those who want to lose weight. The Diet became a huge success and swept across France; championed by people who had successfully lost weight on the diet; it spread without the help of any over the top promotion gimmicks or marketing ploys. The Dukan Diet is easy to follow and there's no calorie-counting involved. Simplicity is key. The unique 4 step programme helps you not only lose weight, but also keep it off. It combines 2 steps to lose the unwanted weight, and 2 steps
… read keep it off for good. The 4-Step Diet is as follows: Step 1: AttackFor 2-7 days eat as much as you want of the 72 protein-rich foods listed in the book Step 2: CruiseContinue eating the 72 protein-rich foods with the addition of 28 vegetables (listed in book) Step 3: ConsolidationAdd fruit, bread, cheese and starchy foods, plus 2 'celebration' meals a week, allowing 5 days for every lost pound Step 4: StabilisationEat what you like without regaining weight by following 3 simple rules including the famous 'protein Thursdays' The Dukan Diet; 5 million French people can't be wrong. Read More read less...