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The Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Ministers and Students Book
Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers presents the essential elements of sound exegetical method in a succinct and incisive way. Designed for students, teachers, pastors, and others wishing to think and write about the Bible carefully, this brief hands-on guide incorporates insights from the field of biblical interpretation into its straightforward approach to the complex task of exegesis. This task is broken down into seven distinct elements: survey; analysis of the context; analysis of the form, structure, and movement of the text; detailed analysis of the text; synthesis; reflection on the text for today; and expansion and refinement of the exegesis. Practical hints and suggested exercises show the reader how to develop proficiency in each of these elements. Resources are supplied for those who want to pursue further study in any of these seven areas. Appendices supply two sample exegesis papers and practical guidelines for writing a research exegesis paper.Read More
from£17.53 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.89
- 1565634853
- 9781565634855
- Michael J. Gorman
- 19 March 2001
- Hendrickson Publishers Inc
- Paperback (Book)
- 239
- Rev. ed.
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