The Epistle of Salim Ibn Dhakwan (Oxford Oriental Monographs) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Epistle of Salim Ibn Dhakwan (Oxford Oriental Monographs) Book

This text presents the epistle ascribed to Salim Ibn Dhakwan written sometime before AD 800 and discovered in the early 1970s. The epistle which is edited translated and discussed in full is an early Islamic tract against wrong doctrines regarding the classification and treatment of opponents.Read More

from£270.00 | RRP: £117.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £157.45
  • Product Description

    The epistle ascribed to Salim Ibn Dhakwan, and written sometime before AD 800, was discovered in the early 1970s by the scholar, Amr Khalifa Ennami, who brought a Xerox of the now lost manuscript to the attention of Islamic scholars. Edited, translated, and discussed here in full for the first time, the epistle is an early Islamic tract against `wrong' doctrines regarding the classification and treatment of opponents.

  • 0198152655
  • 9780198152651
  • Salim Ibn Dhakwan
  • 15 March 2001
  • Clarendon Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 424
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