The Essential Tillich: An Anthology of the Writings of Paul Tillich Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Essential Tillich: An Anthology of the Writings of Paul Tillich Book

"With this volume, Paul Tillich joins the ranks of the great Christian theologians such as Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. . . .This volume, compiled by a noted minister and scholar, offers to the theological student, church worker, or, indeed, any serious reader struggling with the existential question, a tantalizing and illuminating introduction to perhaps the greatest mind of twentieth-century Protestant theology."—Booklist "Church testifies to the power Tillich provides him for his pastoral work, his intellectual formulation and his personal life. He projects, quite properly, that the 'essential' Tillich can do the same for others. . . ."—Christian Century"This book summarizes in Tillich's own words much of the best of his thought, still highly relevant today."—Library Journal "[Church] helps Tillich speak to an audience unfamiliar with the breadth and depth of his thought."—Religious Studies ReviewRead More

from£9.38 | RRP: £6.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.00
  • 0020189206
  • 9780020189206
  • Paul Tillich
  • 21 October 1988
  • Prentice Hall & IBD
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 281
  • Reprinted edition
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