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The Ethics of the Environment (International Library of Essays in Public and Professional Ethics) Book
This book brings together over thirty of the foremost contributions to environmental ethics, from pioneering papers to recent work at the cutting edge of thought in this field. It also unites them through an innovative introductory essay which appraises both strengths and weaknesses and presents a distinctive view of the subject. Areas covered include the land ethic, Deep Ecology, biocentric approaches, environmental virtue ethics, feminist contributions, debates on equity and on the interests and representation of future generations, preservation, sustainability and sustainable development.The importance of attempts to discover a comprehensive ethic relevant both to the environment and other key areas of ethical debate is highlighted. Robin Attfield has been working in this field for thirty years, and has published several related collections and monographs, of which the latest is "Environmental Ethics: An Overview for the Twenty-First Century", published by Polity in 2003. "The Ethics of The Environment" complements that work, from which it incorporates a significant extract about the considerable practical difference that environmental ethics is capable of making.Read More
from£86.65 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £98.72
- 0754627861
- 9780754627869
- Robin Attfield
- 28 December 2008
- Ashgate
- Hardcover (Book)
- 650
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