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The Faith of George W. Bush Book
Click Here for Sample Chapter!His faith sets him apart and defines him as a man, a husband, a father, and the president of the United States of America. What is the influence of Bush’s faith upon history? Is he an aberration? Can he really apply biblical truths to political decisions? In this incredible book, the man emerges, not just because of faith, but because in finding faith, he has discovered who he is and has stepped forward to become the man of his own vision. About the Author: Stephen Mansfield grew up largely in Europe as the son of a U.S. Army officer, an experience that afforded him an early love of history and international affairs. After becoming a Christian at the age of eighteen, Stephen attended a university where biblical faith and intellectual pursuits were merged. This integration of faith and thought shaped him profoundly, and he went on over the next several decades to earn two master’s degrees and a doctorate in the fields of history, philosophy and literature. Stephen’s life message is the idea of destiny, the certainty that God has made all things, including men and nations, with a purpose. All of his writing, his teaching, his work in the nations-and more recently, his focus on calling the United States to a reclaiming of its purpose-is centered around this much-neglected theme. Stephen is currently working on a variety of writing projects, including several biographies of great contemporary leaders. Stephen is the author of numerous books in history and leadership, including Never Give In: The extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill and Then Darkness Fled: The Liberating Wisdom of Booker T. Washington, and recently, the New York Times bestseller The Faith of George W. Bush.Read More
from£12.13 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.34
- 1591852420
- 9781591852421
- Stephen Mansfield
- 1 November 2003
- Strang Communications Company
- Paperback (Book)
- 200
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