Working with the latest research from around the world, the authors of The fat loss handbook, leaders in the field of weight loss study, reveal some startling new discoveries about how the weight loss industry is making people fat; the true nature of fat and its role in our lives; how the body will use every means it can to store fat from our diet; how certain foods aid and abet fat in this process and how to outsmart them; why women gain fat more easily than men, find it harder to lose than men, and put it back on faster than men; why men are at risk from their pot bellies; why it's vital for men retiring from active sport to go on a food retraining program; and why age, sex and race considerations must alter the approach to any fat loss program. The fat loss handbook also deals with the
… read more...issue of ethics for those working with patients or clients who are trying to lose wight - a topic all professionals need to take a hard look at.Read More read less...