The Fats of Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Fats of Life Book

The Fats of Life Popular science account of fat, its biology and effects of feasting, fasting and slimming, by expert biologist. Full descriptionRead More

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  • Book Description

    Written by an expert in the field, this intriguing popular science book fills the gap between unscientific comments about dietary fats and the health hazards of high- or low-fat diets found in magazines, and technical medical reports about lipid biochemistry and obesity in animals and humans. It explains in clear, non-technical language where fats come from and how the body handles them, their natural roles, and the biology of feasting and fasting, fattening and slimming in wild animals as well as people.

  • Product Description

    Fat has a bad reputation in modern society despite being an essential part of our health and well-being. Across the animal kingdom, fat plays all sorts of vital roles in energy storage and insulation for migration, breeding and mating. Written by an expert in the field, this intriguing popular science book fills the gap between unscientific comments about dietary fats, weight control and the health hazards of high- or low-fat diets found in magazines; and technical medical reports about lipid biochemistry and obesity in animals and humans. It explains in clear, nontechnical language where fats come from and how the body handles them; the natural roles of fats; and the biology of feasting and fasting, and fattening and slimming in wild animals as well as people. All readers with an interest in fat and its uses and manifestations will find this book an enjoyable and informative read.

  • 0521635772
  • 9780521635776
  • Caroline M. Pond
  • 13 August 1998
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 344
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