The Folklore of Discworld: Legends, myths and customs from the Discworld with helpful hints from planet Earth Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Folklore of Discworld: Legends, myths and customs from the Discworld with helpful hints from planet Earth Book

Takes an irreverent yet illuminating look at the living myths and folklore that are reflected, celebrated and affectionately libelled in the uniquely imaginative universe of Discworld.Read More

from£9.09 | RRP: £7.99
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  • Foyles

    NOW UPDATED to include material on the Discworld books up to Raising Steam.Most of us grow up having always known to touch wood or cross our fingers, and what happens when a princess kisses a frog or a boy pulls a sword from a stone, yet sadly some of these things are now beginning to be forgotten. Legends, myths, fairytales: our world is made up of the stories we told ourselves about where we came from and how we got there. It is the same on Discworld, except that beings which on Earth are creatures of the imagination - like vampires, trolls, witches and, possibly, gods - are real, alive and in some cases kicking on the Disc. In The Folklore of Discworld, Terry Pratchett teams up with leading British folklorist Jacqueline Simpson to take an irreverent yet illuminating look at the living myths and folklore that are reflected, celebrated and affectionately libelled in the uniquely imaginative universe of Discworld.

  • Play

    Most of us grow up having always known to touch wood or cross our fingers and what happens when a princess kisses a frog or a boy pulls a sword from a stone yet sadly some of these things are now beginning to be forgotten. Legends myths fairytales: our world is made up of the stories we told ourselves about where we came from and how we got there. It is the same on Discworld except that beings which on Earth are creatures of the imagination - like vampires trolls witches and possibly gods - are real alive and in some cases kicking on the Disc. In "The Folklore of Discworld" Terry Pratchett teams up with leading British folklorist Jacqueline Simpson to take an irreverent yet illuminating look at the living myths and folklore that are reflected celebrated and affectionately libelled in the uniquely imaginative universe of Discworld.

  • BookDepository

    The Folklore of Discworld : Paperback : Transworld Publishers Ltd : 9780552154932 : : 19 Oct 2009 : NOW UPDATED to include material on the Discworld books up to Raising Steam. Most of us grow up having always known to touch wood or cross our fingers, and what happens when a princess kisses a frog or a boy pulls a sword from a stone, yet sadly some of these things are now beginning to be forgotten.

  • Blackwell

    Includes material on the Discworld books up to Raising Steam. This title looks at the living myths and folklore that are reflected, celebrated and affectionately libelled in the imaginative universe of Discworld. Now updated to include material on...

  • Pickabook

    Jacqueline Simpson, Terry Pratchett

  • 0552154938
  • 9780552154932
  • Jacqueline Simpson, Terry Pratchett
  • 8 October 2009
  • Corgi Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 360
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