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The Genesis Principle: A Journey Into the Source of Creativity and Leadership Book
Where do new ideas come from? This is the question raised and answered in The Genesis Principle. Dave Carey is desperate for a breakthrough. His life is unraveling and none of his considerable prestige and experience is helping. A chance encounter reconnects him with Adam, renowned artist and teacher of The Genesis Principle. During an intense weekend in the woods, Adam puts Dave to the fire with experiences both searing and expanding to bring him face to face with the Source of Creativity. Based on the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah's Tree of Life, it points to the qualities which allow us to become creators. These are ways of being that are explored in depth in The Genesis Principle: 1.Know yourself at the ground of your being not your accumulated ideas about yourself, but your true, essential self. This is the self that is closest to the Source, the self that doesnt have to think about itself when performing a creative act. 2. Have a strong intention to create. 3. Allow creativity to happen instead of trying to force it. 4. Open up to grace and creative inspiration. 5. Have a wider perspective eliminate preconceived notions that keep you fixed in the past. 6. Harmonize with the ever-changing flow of life to see potential new realities in each instant. 7. Harmonize with loved ones, co-workers, subordinates, bosses, becoming able to listen to and apprehend others points of view. 8. Be passionately committed to your goals. 9. Have the faith to assume the risks of creativity. But these are not qualities that any reader can be expected to grasp and put into practice merely by finding them listed in a book. Basing their approach on years of experience as teachers and artists, authors Isen and Kline have melded their insights into a story that is as compelling as it is topical. It is the story of Dave Careys self-transformation that brings him to the discovery of his vital, free self. This same transformation awaits the reader of The Genesis Principle. Its an invaluable experience, and the introduction to a new path for all who seek to nourish their creativity and capacity to lead others. Read More
from£15.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.78
- 0915556340
- 9780915556342
- Harold Isen, Harold Asen, Peter Kline
- 1 March 1999
- Great River Books
- Paperback (Book)
- 240
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