The Gladiator: The Secret History of Rome's Warrior Slaves Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Gladiator: The Secret History of Rome's Warrior Slaves Book

As he stepped into the massive, roaring space of the Coliseum, he would have been aware of two things: first the bodies of those who had fought and fallen, their blood mingling with the hot dust of the arena floor; second, a sound as ominous as the scenes before him - that of swords being sharpened.Read More

from£12.55 | RRP: £7.99
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  • Foyles

    Alan Baker weaves an extraordinary, vivid picture of Roman life as his compelling and evocative history tells the story of Romes most notable gladiators.

  • 0091886546
  • 9780091886547
  • Alan Baker
  • 1 August 2002
  • Ebury Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 224
  • New edition
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