The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Book

Bobby Henderson is a spiritual leader of a group of followers who worship the teachings of The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). This book lays out FSM scripture, rites and observances, proofs, and answers to the various questions.Read More

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    It all began in June 2005 when Bobby Henderson wrote an open letter to the Kansas School Board proposing a third alternative to the teaching of evolution and intelligent design in schools. Bobby is a prophet of sorts the spiritual leader of a growing world-wide group of followers who worship the teachings of The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). The FSM appeared to Bobby as a giant ball of spaghetti with meatballs for eyes and touched Bobby with "His noodly appendage" - resulting in the revelation that the FSM is the real creator of the universe. The FSM faithful look to Bobby as their prophet and spiritual leader. Shortly after Bobby's revelation a website ( came into existence to promote the word. Then came the articles which were worldwide: The New York Times The Washington Post The Guardian (UK) Die Welt (Germany) Surprise (Austria) and many others chimed in to report the existence of the FSM.Bobby received letters of support from academics and Kansas School Board members alike - not to mention a couple million hits per day on the website - and it was all-too-clear that there needed to be a book to lay out FSM scripture rites and observances proofs and answers to the Big Questions. This is that book.

  • BookDepository

    The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster : Hardback : HarperCollins Publishers : 9780007231607 : 0007231601 : 29 Aug 2011 : It all began in June 2005 when Bobby Henderson wrote an open letter to the Kansas School Board proposing a third alternative to the teaching of evolution and intelligent design in schools.

  • 0007231601
  • 9780007231607
  • Bobby Henderson
  • 7 August 2006
  • HarperCollins Entertainment
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 240
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