The Hopeless Romantic's Handbook Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Hopeless Romantic's Handbook Book

Knight wanted. Must have shiny armor and own horse, preferably white.When it comes to romance, are magic, fireworks, and a dashing knight in shining Armani really too much to ask? Apparently so, since Kate Hetherington has yet to find an appropriate mate in all of London. Her lifelong friends (and confirmed pragmatists) Sally and Tom tease her endlessly about her hopeless romanticism. But Kate knows that she’s right to want her own fairy tale. After stumbling upon an old tome titled The Hopeless Romantic’s Handbook, Kate decides to give its advice a whirl. Incredibly, the book lives up to its money-back guarantee, because before Kate can say “Cinderella” she meets Joe Rogers, a drop-dead-gorgeous American actor. Frankly, he’s perfect–and Kate thinks she might have finally found The One. read more...
from£13.45 | RRP: £8.78
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