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The Horse Whisperer Book
Nicholas Evans's best-selling Horse Whisperer is a story of tragedy, soul-searching and unabashed romance. When the Graves family--13-year-old daughter Grace, high-powered, highly charged Annie, and her lawyer husband Robert--is struck by tragedy, each searches for their own way to come to terms with it. Annie thinks if she can fix Grace's physically and spiritually battered horse, she'll mend her daughter's maimed soul in the process. And so the search for the mythical horse whisperer begins. He appears in the form of Tom Booker--a handsome, rugged, sensitive Montana cowboy. The story travels from Upstate New York to Manhattan, then makes an eventful detour through the glorious foothills of the Rocky Mountains. --Colleen PrestonRead More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0440222656
- 9780440222651
- Nicholas Evans
- 1 November 1996
- Dell Publishing Company
- Paperback (Book)
- 480
- First THUS
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