The Journeys of Socrates Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Journeys of Socrates Book

The Journeys Of Socrates : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers Inc : 9780060833022 : 0060833025 : 26 Aug 2011 : The international bestselling author returns with a page-turning odyssey of the origins of the peaceful warrior.Read More

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  • Product Description

    The Way Begins . . .

    Sergei was three when the soldiers took him. At fifteen he fled into the wilderness, with nothing to cling to but the memories of a grandfather who called him Socrates and the promise of a gift buried near St. Petersburg. Thus begins The Journeys of Socrates -- an odyssey that forged the character of Sergei Ivanov, whose story would one day change the lives of millions of readers worldwide. This saga of courage and faith, of love and loss, reveals the arts of war and the path to peace. Ultimately, it speaks to the quest we all share for a meaningful life in a challenging world.

  • 0060833025
  • 9780060833022
  • Dan Millman
  • 1 March 2006
  • HarperOne
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 352
  • Reprint
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