The Life and Legend of Leadbelly Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Life and Legend of Leadbelly Book

The Life and Legend of Leadbelly Huddie Ledbetter, known to his fans as Leadbelly, was arguably the most famous black singer in American history. This biography draws on archival material, interviews and recordings to detail Leadbelly's proud, tumultuous, and often violent life. Full descriptionRead More

from£15.39 | RRP: £9.99
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  • Waterstones

    Huddie Ledbetter, known to his fans as Leadbelly, was arguably the most famous black singer in American history. This biography draws on archival material, interviews and recordings to detail Leadbelly's proud, tumultuous, and often violent life.

  • Blackwell

    Huddie Ledbetter (1889-1949), known to millions of fans simply as Leadbelly, was arguably the most famous black singer in American history. His close musical associations included such towering figure Huddie Ledbetter (1889--1949)...

  • 030680896X
  • 9780306808968
  • Charles K. Wolfe, Kip Lornell
  • 16 April 1999
  • Da Capo Press Inc
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 360
  • New edition
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