The Life and Work of Harold Pinter Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Life and Work of Harold Pinter Book

London theater critic Michael Billington draws on interviews with the noted British dramatist, his friends, and coworkers to explore the links between Harold Pinter's life and works like The Birthday Party and Betrayal. He discovers a good deal of autobiography, as well as political commentary on the power struggle implicit in male-female relations. The account of Pinter's youth in London's East End and his close friendships with other smart, iconoclastic Jewish boys is especially good. Intelligent and accessible, this is a fine theater biography for the general reader.Read More

from£27.00 | RRP: £20.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.22
  • Product Description

    Harold Pinter is one of the foremost living dramatists in the world. In a groundbreaking work, critic Michael Billington examines Pinter's work in the context of his life. Through extended conversations with Pinter, and through interviews with his friends and colleagues, Billington has provided a portrait of the man as well as the artist. of photos.

  • 0571171036
  • 9780571171033
  • Michael Billington
  • 1 February 1997
  • Faber and Faber
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 432
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