The Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Life Book

The most authentic novel of gangster family life ever written from the No. 1 bestselling author. The Bailey brothers are gangsters determined to make their mark in the world. Peter and Daniel are chalk and cheese in many ways - Peter's calm exterior belies his ruthless nature while Daniel's penchant for spectacular violence is legendary - but together they are unstoppable. From the late seventies they rule London's East End and when their sons join the business it seems that no one can touch the powerful Baileys. Although it's never easy at the top; there is always someone waiting to take you down - sometimes even those closest to you...Lena Bailey is determined to shield her youngest child Tania from the Life. But when a terrible tragedy occurs Tania's eyes are opened to their world in a way that forces her to make an irrevocable choice that will determine her future. Martina Cole's gritty and gripping new novel is an unflinching portrait of a family torn apart by violence and betrayal but ultimately bound by loyalty by blood and by a burning desire for revenge...It is a story of the Life told as only Martina Cole can.Read More

from£24.94 | RRP: £19.99
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  • Foyles

    An unflinching portrait of a family torn apart by violence and betrayal, but ultimately bound by loyalty, by blood, and by a burning desire for revenge ...

  • 0755375572
  • 9780755375578
  • Martina Cole
  • 13 September 2012
  • Headline
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 440
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