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The Little, Brown Essential Handbook for Writers Book
Brief, accessible, and inexpensive, The Little Brown Essential Handbook for Writers, Fourth Edition, answers common and not-so-common questions about the writing process, usage, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, document design, research writing, and documentation. Minimal terminology, clear explanations and examples, and pointers for ESL writers help students at all levels. Extensive sections on document design and source documentation support writers in all disciplines, both in and out of school. The convenient pocket size, four-color design, spiral binding, and numerous reference aids make the book convenient to carry and easy to consult.Read More
from£20.02 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £8.87
- 0321049705
- 9780321049704
- James Aaron, Jane E. Aaron
- 1 August 1999
- Longman Publishing Group
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