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The Market Maker's Edge: Day Trading Tactics from a Wall Street Insider Book
Day trading tactics from a Wall Street insider A groundbreaking work in electronic trading, The Market Maker's Edge gives you the unique point of view of an actual Ax. The Ax -- usually the day trader for a major Wall Street brokerage firm -- is the market maker who controls the movement of a particular stock. Ax Josh Lukeman trades the stock market's blazing hot technology sector for Morgan Stanley. Now, this professional trader gives you an effective, step-by-step trading plan used by Wall Street professionals to minimize risk and maximize profit. You get the latest methods of stock selection...entry and exit points...examples and charts...hair-raising anecdotes of traders who have won and lost millions of dollars, sometimes in minutes...and plenty of sound wisdom for avoiding the pitfalls of greed, fear, attachment and shame from a real pro.Read More
from£29.68 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £14.34
- 0071359753
- 9780071359757
- Josh Lukeman
- 1 June 2000
- McGraw-Hill Inc.,US
- Hardcover (Book)
- 304
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