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The New Midwifery: Science and Sensitivity in Practice Book
Being a midwife today requires not only good clinical skills but also a broad understanding of the social and emotional adaptation to birth that a woman experiences. A midwife must be clinically skilled and able to bring "woman-centered" practice to life. This book explores all the issues that a midwife may encounter in applying her practical knowledge with sensitivity towards every individual woman's care, before, during, and after birth. Building on the changes that have occurred in midwifery in the past decade, "The New Midwifery" describes approaches to practice based on experience and supported by theory and biological sciences. This text is designed to help midwives build sensitive and supportive relationships, develop openness to individual needs, and be able to use science as a basis for practice.Read More
from£37.78 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.22
- 0443055726
- 9780443055720
- Lesley Ann Page BA MSc PhD RM RN, Patricia Percival BappSc(Nsg) BappSc(Mid) MAppSc PhD RN RM CHN FRCNA
- 26 January 2000
- Churchill Livingstone
- Paperback (Book)
- 418
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